WebVision 2020 VIRTUAL

Winner Presentation - Image Track : Winner id: #3 (09:50 - 09:59)

Team Name: PCI-AI

Team Member: Zhiwei Wu, Shuwen Sun, Kunmin Li, Rui Zhang, Zhenjie Huang, Yanyi Feng

Team Affiliation: pcitech

Method Description (short) : Our method is based on the ResNet and ResNet variants, ResNet101,ResNet152[1], ResNext101[2] and ResNest101[3].



Method Description : Our method is based on the ResNet and ResNet variants, ResNet101,ResNet152[1], ResNext101[2] and ResNest101[3]. Due to limited resources, we use fp16, part of training samples and less training epochs to speed up. We totaly trained 8 models. In the test stage, we use multi-scale,multi-crop and multi-model fusion.
[1] Kaiming He, Xiangyu Zhang, et al. Deep Residual Learning for Image Recognition, CVPR 2016
[2] Saining Xie, Ross Girshick, et al. Aggregated Residual Transformations for Deep Neural Networks, CVPR 2017
[3] HangZhang, et al. ResNeSt: Split-Attention Networks. arXiv:2004.08955 (2020)

Entry Description :
Entry 1: fusion 7 models with the highest validation accuracy
Entry 2: fusion 7 models with different weights
Entry 3: fusion all of the models
Entry 4: fusion all of the models with different weights
Entry 5: fusion of randomly selected models