Copyright ETH Zurich, Michael D. Breitenstein Disclaimer THIS CODE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Use at your own risk. Any Licensee who publishes a scientific or technical Work (including but not limited to conference and journal papers, technical reports, white papers, software manuals, web sites, and oral presentations of these) that is based on, or that uses results obtained with, the original or Modified Software hereby expressly agrees to include in the Work an acknowledgement of the use of the Software in the Work. Moreover, if the Work includes scientific citations, and unless such a citation would generally be considered to be inappropriate, the Licensee agrees to include in the Work at least one citation to the scientific publications that originally described the method implemented in the Software. Any software and data sets are made available purely for research purposes. Any commercialization of this work or based on this work is strictly prohibited.